Ask De Giorgi: create a safe space for you and your client

Our experience is at your disposal to make you feel safe.

With the reopening of all activities and the desire to restore normality in everyone’s life, it’s essential to pay the utmost attention to customer relations. To make them feel welcome and protected at every stage of the doctor-patient relationship, we have drawn up a series of indications that can facilitate all interactions.

Let’s see together what to do to make all the work spaces safe, sanitized and ready to welcome every single individual.

We highly recommend following the directions in this article.

Ensure maximum security for yourself and your customers.

The 4 tips of Carlo De Giorgi:

1. Clean air

2. Sanitized spaces

3. Draw paths

4. Guidelines for complete safety


1. Clean air: give new oxygen to the environment

Circulate the air purifying it with certified products. This allows you to guarantee a clean and healthy space.
The air circulating in the study, in fact, can be a risk factor if the necessary preventive measures are not taken: in a closed space for over 8 hours, several harmful bodies such as allergens, germs and chemicals can coexist; among these, one of the most harmful is aerosol.

Aerosol: a risk to eradicate

Aerosol is a dispersion of dangerous agents, which can remain suspended in the air for a long time. Contaminated particles, which can be liquid or solid, circulate for a long time until they gravitate towards the individual, putting him at risk of infection.

To counteract this invasion of bacteria, you need to equip yourself in time with products suitable for cleaning the air.

The air products selected by Carlo De Giorgi:

The C-AS extra-oral suction system

Thanks to the HEPA filter (H13), which works in synergy with the UV lamps mounted on the machine, the C-AS is able to immediately aspirate any micro-particle greater than or equal to 0.3 microns. With an efficiency of 99.96%, it is the perfect tool to guarantee correct management of the particles suspended by aerosols.

With an almost imperceptible noise and a flexible arm adjustable in any position, the extra-oral suction system is the product to have in your office to offer effective protection for all people.

To learn more about this product, read here.

  • Q3 and Q7 purifiers
    Purifiers are perfect for being placed in any space. Of two different sizes, they can filter volatile air from particles down to 0.0146 microns
  • Both models are extremely quiet and use patented TPA® ion field technology. Their performance has been rigorously tested and proven worldwide. In addition, they comply with the EPA and California Air Resources Board (CARB) certificate, making them the perfect products to purify any space with discretion and extreme effectiveness.

  • The Q3 is the small size purifier, easy to introduce in any room.


The Q7 is the largest purifier, designed for large rooms, but just as easy to move thanks to its wheel system.

To learn more, read here.

(Photo: the Q7 air purifier present in the Grande Plotino & Torsello Dental Office)


3. Tracing paths: how to make clear the movements for your clients 

Like you, we want our customers to feel protected when they come in contact with us. For this reason we are keen to share all the information necessary to guarantee you and them a peaceful, secure and professional relationship.

Follow these steps to create a protected environment:

  • Optimize your study with a path that allows your customers to see where to go. Although the road is obvious, we believe it’s very effective to facilitate the passage by indicating the trajectory to follow.
  • If and where possible, differentiate the entrance with the exit door. In this way it dramatically reduces the contact between customers who, following an orderly line, create a well structured and managed flow with maximum effectiveness.
  • Place several amuchin containers between the entrance, the waiting room and the exit (as well as in the study).
  • Hang on the walls and distribute information on the tables explaining the security measures taken and what the customer has to do to live his experience as serenely as possible with you.
  • Add extra information materials that show the certificates of the products you use to sanitize and purify spaces. This will give the customer a feeling of maximum attention and protection on your part, encouraging him to follow the rules and still feel comfortable.

4. Guidelines for complete safety

Here are additional, but essential, information to ensure a pleasant and safe experience at your office:

  • Constantly use PPE (personal protective equipment) as you work and demand maximum attention in the use of the same by all medical and healthcare personnel. To know our choice on personal protective equipment, read here.)

  • Protect the most used surfaces with disposable barriers and dispose of them when used in a closed bag to be disposed of as special waste. If possible, it creates protective barriers (plexyglass separation dividers) at the social-customer interaction points (acceptance / payments).

  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. The washing operation must be preliminary to the use of the disinfectant.
  • To ensure complete and professional safety, at the time of customer acceptance, we recommend using digital infrared thermometers to check the temperature of each individual who shows up at the entrance.

  • Instruct on how to correctly wear PPE, how to properly remove them and how to properly dispose of them (closed bag to be disposed of in special waste)
  • Remove all potentially contaminating objects from waiting rooms, such as: magazines and toys available to patients.

Do you want to know more about what we can do for you?
Contact us at the phone number +39 02 356 15 43 or by email

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